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Crowd Rising

Friday, August 31, 2012

Mrs. Jackie Sabuni Birthday Party

 "♩♪♫♬ Happy Birthday to you ♩♪♫♬"
"♩♪♫♬ Happy Birthday dear Jackie ♩♪♫♬"
"♩♪♫♬ Happy Birthday to you ♩♪♫♬"
That's the birthday lady,
Mrs. Jackie Sabuni,
Experiencing a surprise party organized by her husband,
Mr. Robert Sabuni,
On 30th of August, 2012
All this was done at Ako Labamba Pub and Grill,
Located at Sinza.
Just one candle to symbolize we'll get old together,
Neither storm nor lightning we'll survive the weather,
During the sunny days we'll dry like leather,
Through the winds will fly like feathers,
It's us forever.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Feza Kessy Birthday Party

Party like a rock star,
From the beach to the bar,
It's not about the liquor,
But just bonding with family and friends and not things like cars,
It was her Birthday Party and she was the star.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Leah Tsere Kitchen Party

Singing with a Swan voice,
Celebrating the special day with family and friends,
It was just the beginning of the life choice,
Leah Imbori Luciana Tsere needed to rejoice,
And throw her last but least dice,
Welcome to her Kitchen Party,
A colorful and one of a kind.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Feza Kessy

It's not about the money that will sweep our heart away,
It's not about being famous that will conquer our mind n put a smile on our face,
It's not about the pain that will sank our heart into tears,
It's not that deep pride in us nor that anger hidden down the throat,
It's just that hope we receive from honest friends and from family,
It's from the winds of love that sweeps our feet off the painful lands,
It's from the raining blessings that showers on us to make us better,
And tonight I send all the stars to you just to bless all your wishes,
Happy Birthday dear.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Jazz Promotion Presents REDD'S Miss Northern Zone 2012

DATE: Saturday, September 8, 2012
TIME: 9:00pm
LOCATION: Naura Springs Hotel, Arusha
PARTICIPANTS: Beauty queens from Arusha,Kilimanjaro,Manyara and Tanga


VIP: TZS 30,000
NORMAL : TZS 20,000

Redd’s Original, Dodoma Wine ,Naura Springs Hotel, Brazil Lounge, Modern holdings ltd, Honeys furniture,Little Roses, Jazz collection, Camro Insurance Services, Eannaso, Anyor Designs,Triple A FM, Ndeku hair salon, Compumania celltronics, TLK investments, Computer and Secretarial College, Arusha Art, Cyber Net, Riverside Shuttle, Geo security, Father kidevu Blog, Authentic Emergency Services and Clouds FM

Brazil lounge , Jazz collection, Naura springs hotel, Ndeku hair salon, Modern supermarket and Compumania celltronics

Well be allowed to come with one Banner which will be displayed at the event venue.

THEME: Beauty with Compassion.

Thank you all. Karibuni sana.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Victoria Charles The Ninja Boss

The moment comes and goes,
The moment that occurs once a year like beauty pageant shows,
Today the candles you will blow,
Adding up one year to your closet draw,
When you're reading this your heart will freeze like snow,
But joy will feel your heart and it will not slow,
I know am not like Drake Drezy but am making this rhyme flow,
Just like a pro,
Mic on my hand and standing on my toes,
Releasing these rhymes from the deep cores,
For a special friend that needs to know,
Happy Birthday Vicky the Ninja boss.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Miss World Tanzania 2012

At Miss World 2012 Designer Awards,
Miss World Tanzania 2012,
Lisa Peter Jensen,
Wore a dress designed by Mustafa Hassanali,
One of the top designers in Tanzania,
A flowery printed dress made of traditional Khanga material.

Meet Contestants Miss World 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012


   Some people argue that, there is no more precious element on the face of the earth more essential to life itself than oxygen. In addition to being the third most abundant element in the sun and making up 20% of the earth’s atmosphere, oxygen plays a critical role in the carbon-nitrogen cycle.
   In the human body, the oxygen plays a vital role in breathing process and in the metabolism of the living organisms. Probably, the only living cells that do not need oxygen are some anaerobic bacteria that obtain energy from the metabolic process. The nutrient compounds, inside of the cell, are oxidized through complex enzymatic processes. This oxidation is the source of energy of most of animals (mammals).
   Clearly, the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency and when the human body is supplied with abundant amounts of oxygen, all cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms are killed because they cannot survive in a high-oxygen environment.
“Additionally, every human being has cancer cells existing in the body which are just seeking a low-oxygen environment where they can multiply into the full-blown disease,” says Mr. Cavanaugh in his book.
Nano Cup
Water molecules  are magnetized field increasing  the oxygen content in the water which has small molecules for easier solubility,wi                                               solubility,with  more oxygen ions,long term drinking the wateractivatewater activated by this cup promote;
Increase appetite
boost the body`s immune system thereby preventing disease and res resisting sub – health condition.
Has  a therapeutic effect on certain chronic diaseases such as hypertension ,diabetes and lithiasis.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mt. Kilimanjaro - Highest Mountain in Africa

Kilimanjaro Mountain,
The highest Mountain in Africa zone,
With three Volcanic cones,
Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira are known,
The highest free-standing Mountain in the World well known,

Snow-covered equatorial Mountain,
Standing at 5895 metres above sea level,
It rises in the land of Tanzania,
Welcome to the land of peace,
And see the canopy that is on top of Kilimanjaro,
One of the World's largest Volcanoes,
Welcome to Tanzania,
The Mother of Kilimanjaro Mountain.